Tech Tips and Tricks, How Tos and more

Google Play Store

Why have Google changed the name of their Android Market? This is the question many of us dedicated Android fans have been asking since its implementation. Once the Android Market now Google Play Store what do you make of the shift?

How the Internet Endangers Your Kids: 4 Ways to Protect Them

More than anything, the internet can put your kids in great danger, if care is not taken. There have been many personal and true life stories about parents whose kids have suffered a lot after falling victim of internet predating. The dangers on the internet for kids will never come to an end; it’s you, as a parent, who has to fight it together with your kids.

Top 10 iPhone Apps for Family Road Trips

When we head off on those long road trips (whether we’re visiting Grandma, or off on an overseas adventure) the one thing you should remember is to find something to keep everyone entertained for the journey. Here are some of the best iphone apps for a road trip.

Can technology improve a child’s reading?

With nearly 146 million people owning an iPhone, it’s no wonder that technology should play a part in our children’s lives. We live in an ever evolving society and should be utilising all that technology has to offer, especially when it comes to our little ones’ education.

Comparing Leading UK Fibre Broadband Providers

Fibre optic broadband looks set to represent the future of Internet services in the UK. Unlike DSL broadband, which relies on existing phone lines, fibre optic broadband uses its own high quality cables to run a signal directly into homes, or to a local neighbourhood hub. Here is a comparison of the best UK Fibre Broadband providers.

Improve Your Fitness By Running From Zombies

Zombies have always been an internet craze but have gotten so popular that they have been involved in everything from books to movies to games. Although there is one area that they really haven’t penetrated yet. Fitness. Well now there is a new app that looks to combine the generally daunting and unpleasant world of exercise and weight loss with the blood pumping world of zombies.

Top 5 Mobile Phones for Women

Gone are those days when only bulky mobile phones were made to fulfill the needs and desires of the ‘men’ of the society. The Mobile phone companies have discerned the gadget-love of a woman and have come up with many stylish designs, attractive colours as well as many pink features like built-in mirrors.

Best Android Apps a Beginner Can Have to Maximize the Fun and Entertainment

Never ending excitement begins when someone acquires a tiny box of fresh Android, this excitement further increases when that power button is pressed, but every excitement ends immediately when startup screen looks so weird with complicated and non-understandable options, because these complex options are not easy to be handled. Android has a lot of apps that provide unlimited fun and entertainment. Here are some of the best Android apps for your entertainment.

Beginning Your Pin Quest On Pinterest

If you’re familiar with other social bookmarking sites, getting started with Pinterest should be a snap. We’ve designed this section of the report, however, to take even a newly trained internet user how they can take advantage of all Pinterest has to offer. Read and follow each step verbatim to get the most out of your experience with the world’s largest growing social gathering place.

Protect your company information

When you run a small business, you’re unlikely to have an IT department. If you’re lucky, you might have one employee who loves everything to do with IT and can be called on to sort out any problems for different people in the office.