Tech Tips and Tricks, How Tos and more

Understanding a Google query URL

Google gives a lot more options for filtering your search results. Like if you want to look for the definition or meaning of a certain word, you need not go to and search for the word. You can get your meaning with the query, “define:word” in Google. Or you can find all the pages in a site with the query, “”. You can also get desired results by modifying the Google Query URL that it returns after a query.

Specifying multiple home pages in Firefox

Normally you set the page that you visit most often as your homepage. In many cases, it could be search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. or web aggregators like iGoogle. But there can be a couple of sites that you visit everyday and you open them up by clicking through your bookmarklets. However, if you forget to click on the bookmarklets, you might sometimes miss a very interesting article or news. Well you can have multiple home pages in Firefox as well. All of them open up in separate tabs and not in separate windows that makes it more easier for you.

Online text encryptors

Encryption is basically a process of transforming data (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except for those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The encrypted information or the ciphertext is the end result that can be changed to the original form using decryption process (the reverse of encryption). Encryption has its wide use when it comes to transferring data securely. There are some online text encryptors as well that are available for free.

Anti mosquito software for keeping mosquito away

Mosquitoes are common in most parts of the world in the summer season. We despise mosquitoes more than lizards or cockroaches. Use of mosquito repellent insecticides and mosquito nets for keeping mosquitoes away are common practices. But use of insecticides is not a good practice as it may be hazardous to health. What if you could keep yourself away from mosquitoes through your computer? Well you can do it with some handy anti-mosquito software.

Get alerts for Specific phrases

Suppose that the author of your favorite blog had promised to write about a topic of your interest but he hasn’t been writing any new posts from many weeks. You can’t go on checking his website everyday. But SparkTooth can monitor any web page for a certain keyword and then notify you as soon as it is available on the website.

Troy’s Twitter Script-A great greasemonkey script for Twitter

The interface of Twitter’s homepage is not that sophisticated for power twitterers. There are no dedicated buttons for retweeting, no options for uploading a photo and posting its link and so on. Due to this, many people prefer using other third party clients which provide a plethora of useful features. Desktop clients like Tweetkdeck, Twhirl, browser plugins like Power Twitter for Mozilla Firefox, etc. are a lot more preferable. Well you can also have a lot of powerful options with a script called Troy’s Twitter Script.

I just fought a malware on this WordPress blog

My blog was facing a malware issue in the last few days. Well I wasn’t aware of this fact. About 5 days ago, when I tried to open my blog in Google Chrome, it showed a malware warning. I was pretty much surprised to see that, because my blog was running smooth on Chrome just the day before. I thought either there’s something wrong with my computer or Chrome was screwed up.

How to send tweets from Gmail

There are various methods for sending tweets to Twitter. Well you send out your tweets through the medium you think is the easiest. Some tweet from the Twitter website, some from other 3rd party...

Update status messages on Social Networks with HelloTxt

Many of us love making our identity over various social networks. These days microblogging platforms like Twitter, Friendfeed etc. are getting very popular. Sending Tweets have been a part of daily life for many tech-savvies. Or those obsessed with the social networks keep updating their status on Facebook or Bebo. But if you use a handful of these sites, you update your status message on each of them. But what if you get to update all those statuses from a single place? Well HelloTxt can help you do that.