Tech Tips and Tricks, How Tos and more

3 Critical Twitter Tools for Your Social Media Strategy

Unless you live under some kind of rock, you have at least heard of twitter. The real problem is that those who have heard of and try to use twitter don’t always know how to properly integrate it into their social media strategy. Here are some of the most critical twitter tools and explain how each fits into your overall social media strategy.

Mark Zuckerberg has the highest number of followers on Google+

Google+’s rival numero uno Facebook’s owner Mark Zuckerberg is also on Google+. But you’d be surprised to know that Mark Zuckererg has the highest number of followers on Google+ followed just by Google’s co-owner Larry Page.

Instagram Filters as Photoshop actions

Instagram is getting largely popular among iPhone users as a Photo sharing application. Instgram offers lots of photo filters that give a stunning effect to your pictures. Have you ever wondered if you could add Instagram like photo filters to your photos using Photoshop? Well, Daniel Box has created Photoshop actions similar to Instagram filters that you can apply to any photo instantly.

Google’s Feedback for sending Feedbacks for Google products

Google is on the endeavor to make improvements to their products all the time. For this, they have added a Feedback button to most of their products whose latest versions have just been introduced. Have you tried out the Feedback button in Google plus or the Cosmic Panda in Youtube? You’ll be amazed after looking at it.

Destroy text or ads on a page with these bookmarklets

Sometimes we come across some cool bookmarklets that are meant just for fun. Here are some bookmarklets that will destroy the text on any webpage in cool ways. You can also use these bookmarklets to destroy annoying ads on a site.

Youtube’s Cosmic Panda Interface

Youtube has come up with a new experimental redesign that is code named Cosmic Panda. This interface is a whole lot different from the current interface. It looks sleek, clutter free and cleaner. The new Cosmic Panda interface Is elegant and pleasing to the eye.

SiteTrail, The Ultimate Website Analysis Tool

Have you ever wanted to know how much traffic your favorite website was getting? Or how many RSS subscribers a site had? SiteTrail is a website analysis tool that provides you with data consisting of over 100 different metrics for any given website. All you need to do is simply enter the domain name of the website you want to analyze into a text box and viola!

How to secure your computer with a USB stick used as a security

The use of security tokens is a common feature for individuals and organizations wishing to secure sensitive data; and who may feel that the use of software-based authentication such as password and PIN are not sufficient. Security tokens are hardware-based authentication devices that are meant to complement the software-based security in authenticating user identities, mostly on private networks. USB sticks are a good example of devices that can be used as hardware tokens.