Tagged: addon

How to restore the icons on the Addons bar to the right hand side in Firefox

Firefox 4 has a completely revamped interface as compared with its earlier counterpart, the Firefox 3. If you use Firefox 4, you must have noticed that the addon bar that on Firefox 3 isn’t visible by default on Firefox 4. But you can turn it on from the customization options. On Firefox, you would have come across times when the icons on your Addon bar in Firefox shift all the way to the left from their default right hand side position. If you want to restore them to the right, here’s the workaround.

Manage addons and themes using Add-ons Manager on Firefox

With faster loading Javascript, anti virus integration and hardware acceleration and even better scope for addons, Firefox 4 is a compelling choice for basic to advanced users. On Firefox 4, you can manage and install addons, plugins and themes all from a single place, the Firefox Addons Manager.

Browse the internet without using a mouse

Mouse and Keyboard are the best known input devices for a computer for a long time now. Even if you have to intermittently jump between your mouse and keyboard, you can’t resist using the both or part from one of them. But how about browsing the internet with just your keyboard and no mouse? Don’t get scared, you won’t have to switch between Alt+Tab and Alt+Shift+Tab to visit the links. A Firefox addon Mouseless browsing has been built just for this very purpose.

Firefox Addon F1 by Mozilla Labs for social sharing

Facebook’s social plugins, “Share” and “Like” are immensely popular on the web. All sorts of websites and blogs have incorporated these social plugins to make sharing easy. But some still lack them and sometimes you would be looking for one when you won’t be able to find any in the end. For Firefox users, a plugin has been made recently available that enables quick sharing over Facebook, Twitter and Gmail with just a few clicks. Firefox Addon F1 that has just been released officially by Mozilla labs is just the right one for social sharers.

Read any text in the most suitable font for you

The overall appearance of a site plays a great role in luring a reader into spending more time on the site. One of the components is the font. The font face and size differ variously and some sites that use really tiny, barely legible fonts distract you a lot. Readability can be a good solution in such cases.

How to create a list of all installed and active Firefox addons

If you love using Firefox, you must also be using a handful of Firefox Addons for better browsing experience. But do you keep a track of the plugins that are installed and the plugins that are redundant? With a simple Firefox command, you can create a list of the Firefox Addons that are installed and active.

How to translate status updates on Facebook

You might have some friends who update their status in a language alien to you. So, you just skip them. You wouldn’t generally bother to copy it and head over to Google Translator for translation. Wouldn’t it be great to get them translated on the fly? Facebook Translate Addon for Mozilla Firefox can help you do that.

How to block Facebook social plugins on websites

If seeing too much of them has distracted you, Facebook blocker can be of help. Facebook blocker can block all Facebook social plugins and make them disappear altogether from any site. It is available as a browser plugin for Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.

How to delete cookies of selected sites

Sometimes you need to delete the cookies from selected sites or from a single site to clear specific preferences without deleting all Browser Cookies. You can do this through a little workaround with Firefox Options or by using Remove Cookies for Site addon for Firefox.